Chitfund Software

Chitfund Software  Image

Best online Chit Fund management software with multi branch, just add a branch by a mouse click 

user friendly and all in one integrated dashboard for your business

Chitfund Features 

1. Dashboard 

2. Groups

3. Group per Plans(monthly installment plans)

4. Client management (Active and Inactive)

5. Clients chits added

6. Instalment pay using online and payment mode ( Chit Receipts) 

7. Agent Management 

8. Staff Management 

9. Multi Branch 

10. Excel bulk upload 

11. Customer login

12. Customer pay using online 

13. Payment voucher with bill 

14. Journal voucher 

15. JV ledger summary

16. Profit and loss

17. Customer and Group wise due list

18. Customer installment History 

19. Dashboard Total lending Amount and Received Amount view 

20. Expenses

please reach us for demo 

If You want to get demo Link Please Contact US
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  • Posted on 2022-10-11 20:08:31
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